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A new study came to the otherwise logical conclusion that children at the age of 5 of younger have a much smaller chance of surviving Ebola than older children or adults.

Almost 25,000 people have been infected in the latest epidemic. Most cases occurred in Guinea, Sierra Leone or Liberia. In roughly 4,000 out of those cases the disease attacked someone under the age of 16. According to Dr. Chris Dye, who is the head of Ebola epidemiology at the WHO, the number of infected children has unfortunately risen.

The reasons are unknown at the moment. The team has compiled some crucial date for comparison purposes in an attempt to better understand this very alarming situation. The results that were published in the New England Journal of Medicine has revealed what many suspected all along. The virus is at its deadliest when it comes in contact with young children.

The mortality rate under the age of 1 is 90% and unfortunately that number doesn’t improve much when the virus attacks someone between the ages of 1 and 4, where the mortality rate is still at an extremely high 80%. Children between the ages of 10 and 15 have the best chance to fight the disease, with a mortality rate of 65%.


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