Foods that lead to a faster metabolism
When reaching your weight loss goals, you realize it is important to burn more calories than you take in. Certain foods can give you a faster metabolism to help you burn excess calories more effectively, especially when used in connection with a low carb diet or a low fat diet.
Staying properly hydrated is key to a faster metabolism. When you are dehydrated, it slows down body functions, including metabolism. Although any unsweetened beverage will work, water is always the best choice because it cleans the body and helps carry away toxins as well. Also, drinking a glass of cold water is believed to raise metabolism slightly as your body works to warm the cold water to the body’s temperature.
Lean Meats
Foods that are high in protein and low in fat, such as lean meats, make your metabolism faster because proteins take a lot of effort to break down and be used by the body. Proteins also build muscle, and more muscle mass has been linked to higher metabolism. Used in conjunction with a low carb diet, lean meats help burn more calories with increased metabolism.
Hot Peppers
Hot peppers, such as chili peppers, contain a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin has many benefits for the body, such as helping to reduce pain and inflammation, and can also raise metabolism slightly for a brief time. By eating hot peppers more frequently, this metabolism raising effect can last a little longer.
Salmon and other cold water, fatty fish have high levels of protein. These fish also contain omega-3 essential fatty acids which are important for many body functions. They help by making you feel full for longer, which will help you eat less. Omega-3s can also help lower certain hormones that make you think you are hungry, which also adds to the feeling of fullness.
Teas, especially green tea and oolong tea, contain caffeine and special chemicals called catechins. These chemicals can actually raise metabolism with benefits that can last as long as a couple hours. Many teas also offer other health benefits as well. When you are watching what you eat for a weight loss program. try adding some of these foods that help raise metabolism. Not only will you be getting good nutrition, but you could enhance your weight loss efforts in the process.
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