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Foods That Make You Look Good Inside and Out


The next time you’re shopping for products to make you look younger, skip the aisles of wrinkle creams and moisturizers and head for the produce section instead. A plate filled with healthy foods goes farther to make you look and feel your best than any expensive daily beauty regimen.

Flax Seed and Fish Oils

They may not sound like a very tasty combination, but flax seed and fish oils such as krill oil are packed with omega-3 and omega-6 fats. These linoleic acids impact everything from cholesterol to the appearance of your skin and eyes. Moist, healthy eyes are most beneficial to those who wear newer types of contact lenses, such as Night and Day Aqua contacts that are intended to stay in the eyes for a month at a time. Flax seed oil helps prevent cancer and can reduce the symptoms of menopause, while fish oils help to lower blood pressure and improve conditions such as depression and Alzheimer’s.

Both flax seed and fish oil are found in the vitamin section as natural supplements; however, the general consensus leans toward eating the actual foods to gain the most benefit. Flax seed is often sprinkled over hot and cold cereals or used in baking. Fish oils are, of course, found in fish. The fattier the fish the better — tuna, mackerel, salmon, sardines and trout are excellent sources.

Valuable Veggies
Valuable Veggies

Valuable Veggies

There’s a reason mom always made you eat your vegetables. A diet rich in these colorful foods improves your overall health, increases your energy and goes far toward preventing most chronic medical conditions:

  • Tomatoes provide protection from lung cancer
  • Kale helps prevent heart disease
  • Eggplant may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s
  • Red bell peppers prevent wrinkles
  • Brussels sprouts help alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention publishes a fruit and vegetable calculator that helps you determine the proper amounts of these fab foods for your individual age, sex and lifestyle; but in a nutshell — five to nine servings daily go far in keeping your body running and looking its best.

Fortuitous Fruits

Berries are excellent sources of antioxidants — those beneficial flavenoids that help your body block and resist free radicals. Blackberries are believed to help prevent heart attacks and strokes and blueberries boost energy. But the berries that have the nation talking are acai berries, the grape-like fruits of the acai palm native to South America. Acai berries are a superfruit, improving everything from your digestion to the appearance of your skin.

In addition to berries, citrus fruits, apples, grapes, cherries, pomegranates and papayas keep your body operating at optimum levels.

Protein Prescription

You probably already know red meat is a good source of protein, but it’s not necessarily the best source. Other, healthier foods are also packed full of potential.

  • Unsalted nuts
  • Beans
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Seeds

Protein is an important building block for your entire body. Your hair, nails, tissues, hormones, blood, bones, muscles and cartilage are all affected by the amount of protein you consume. There’s a delicate balance at play here however, as good sources of protein are also usually high in calories. Usually two to three servings of protein a day is enough to keep healthy things happening inside you.




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