Information About the Uses and Dangers of Asbestos
Asbestos is mineral that occurs naturally. Asbestos is mined in many locations across the globe. Due to its special properties, asbestos have been used in making many materials used in construction. For example, asbestos is highly durable. It can also serve as an efficient insulator and withstand high temperatures. Asbestos is used to make a variety of items. Depending on the use of the item, a particular type of asbestos might work better than others.
One form of asbestos is known as chrysotile or white asbestos. This is the most common of all the types of asbestos. White asbestos is used to make things such as corrugated roof sheets. To make these sheets, the white asbestos is combined with cement. White asbestos can also be used to flat sheet for installation on either floors or walls. Given the flexibility of white asbestos it can even be made into cloth. This cloth can then be used for insulation such as for pipe. It may also be used to sew fireproof clothing. About 95% of all asbestos is of this variety.
Another form of asbestos is amosite or brown asbestos. This kind of asbestos is most often made into a fire resistant coating. It can also be used within walls to help make them soundproof. Another kind of asbestos is crocidolite or blue asbestos. In comparison to the other types, it is much harder and not as flexible. However, it does have some beneficial properties such as being strong and resistant to acid. This is the most dangerous type and is used in making construction materials.
If asbestos is found to be in building materials then it is important not to disturb the fibers, as despite its great properties for the construction industry, asbestos is actually pretty detrimental to the health of humans. Disturbing the fibers will cause them to be inhaled, these will then sit in the lungs and can result in health problems and serious illnesses such as meosthelioma. If the asbestos need to be removed then special procedures are to be followed for their extraction. If these procedures are not followed and someone’s health is affected as a result the best thing to do if you live in Britain is to make an asbestos claim uk with a law firm specialising in this area.”
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