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Tingling Fingers – Tingling Fingers Causes,Diagnosis and Treatment


Tingling fingers generally develop due to pressure for long hours on nerves or due to repeated motor activities. Due to this simple reason, majority of the people just ignore it. But, it is very important to take care as it can be a symptom for underlying serious diseases such as diabetes. It is highly recommended to consult the physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Here is an overview of the causes, diagnosis and treatment for tingling sensation in fingers.

Source by : wikimedia

Tingling Fingers Causes

Tingling in extremities is a sign for a number of medical conditions that need immediate attention.

Some of causes include

  • Diabetes

    This disease is characterized by increased levels of blood glucose levels either due to deficiency or resistance to hormone insulin.  Increased levels of glucose causes damage to the nerves and thus tingling fingers. : Hence, it is essential to treat diabetes immediately to prevent further damage to nerves.

  • Over dosage of Vitamin B6

    Increased intake of vitamin B6 either in the form of supplements or directly through foods results in sudden release of excess energy. This also can result in neuropathy and tingling fingers.

  • Bad circulation

    Tingling fingers is also seen in people with poor blood circulation. Poor circulation sometimes results due to exerting weight on your arm while sleeping. This is not a serious condition and the hand will be back to normal in a short period.

  • Autoimmune disorders

    Autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis result in damage to the nerves. This results in symptoms such as muscle weakness, dizziness and even paralysis.

  • Leprosy

    This is a bacterial disease that causes skin sores, tingling sensation in hands and legs.

  • Nerve damage due to freezing

    If you remain in very low temperature for a long time it can result in nerve damage.

    The moment you start experiencing tingling sensation in fingers it is essential to get warm immediately to prevent irreversible damage.

  • Stroke

    This is a condition characterized by sudden rupture of blood vessels resulting in lack of oxygen in the brain.

Tingling Fingers Diagnosis

Tests commonly used in diagnosis of tingling fingers include

  • Neurological Examination

    sensitivity of an arm is tested and to pinpoint the specific nerve a minor surgery is performed.

  • MRI and CT Scanning

    Imaging studies are done to identify presence of tumors, broken bones, herniated discs or narrowed spinal cord all of which can result in tingling fingers.

  • Blood Tests

    Blood tests are done to identify the levels of glucose, vitamins B6, thyroxin, sex hormones and also the levels of minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Treatment of Tingling Fingers

The treatment for this disorder mainly aims at treating the underlying causes. If pain and swelling is observed in affected region then drugs such as ibuprofen are used to reduce the pain and swelling.

  • Topical Creams

    If tingling sensation is associated with burning sensation, then ointments are used to treat the tingling sensation temporarily.

  • Physical Therapy

    When tingling sensation is due to broken bones then physical therapy can help in alleviating the symptoms.


    Simple resting of the arm can treat the tingling feeling in case of severe injury to the arm or shoulders.

Tingling Fingers Possible Complications

It is highly essential to treat the condition without negligence to prevent complications such as paralysis, permanent loss of sensation and severe pain. In more severe cases such as leprosy amputation may have to be done to prevent the infection from spreading to rest of the body.

How to Prevent Tingling Sensation?

Taking care of simple aspects can reduce the incidence of tingling fingers.

  • Use gloves in winter season.
  • Avoid working continuously for long hours on computer.
  • Get rid of habit of placing the hand under the head or pillow while sleeping.

Lastly, visit the physician immediately if tingling fingers is associated with more severe symptoms such as slurred speech, mental confusion and severe weakness. This could be a sign of stroke and neuropathy.


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