4 Great Tips to Alleviate your Snoring Problem at Night
Snoring at night is an utterly frustrating problem especially to the snorers loved ones. If your snoring is becoming too thunderous for your loved ones to sleep easily, then you need to be alarmed since you don’t want to get kicked out of the room. This problem may seem trivial but it has ruined many relationships when left unsolved. Snoring is normally caused by an obstruction of the airway in the nose, throat and mouth which causes air to flow noisily.
It is important for one to understand whether the continuous snoring is caused by a condition called sleep apnea or other related factors. If left untreated, it can become a life threatening condition, thus it’s important to consult your physician in order to rule out this condition as the cause of your misery. Also, adopting certain habits that lessen the snoring problem will go a long way in solving this puzzle.
These include:
1. Changing your sleeping posture.
Instead of sleeping on your back, try sleeping on your side as it helps your throat and lower jaw to relax thus lessening the blockage of the airways. Also, sleeping on a pillow contributes to this problem by causing a bend to your neck which further blocks the airway. To deal with this, try sleeping on an elevated bed that will lift the whole upper body up a few inches. You can also purchase specially designed pillows for snorers that are available in the market today.
2. Lose some weight.
Overweight men and women tend to snore noisily more than their thinner counterparts due to the excess fatty tissues that cause blockage by narrowing the airways. Thus, it is not only healthier to have less weight but also this will help a great deal in solving the snoring problem as well.
3. Cutting down on smoking and alcohol intake.
Alcohol relaxes the throat muscles causing them to slide back down thus blocking your air passages which then leads to snoring. Smoking on the other hand changes the cells lining of the esophagus. This can encourage uncontrollable snoring.
4. Buy stop snoring devices.
There are several devices available in the market today that work to help solve your snoring problem such as nasal strips. These work by increasing the size of your nostrils which enhances your breathing as required.
If you put these remedies into practice, you will find them very effective in alleviating your snoring problem and will also help you to live in a healthier life.
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