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ATA 2012 to Display New Telemedicine Technologies


Do you knowing more about health technologies that will be available to us in the future? There are many people that would love to know more about the technology that will serve us in the future and therefore they are interested in going for various trade shows where they get to see the glimpse of the technology that is yet to enter the market. If you are passionate about medical science technologies then you should definitely take your time out from your work to attend the world’s largest telemedicine, telehealth and mHealth event that is happening in San Jose.

ATA 2012 DA
Source: multivu

The American Telemedicine Association Annual Trade Meeting will be happening in San Jose from April 29 to May 1 and if you are in California then you should make sure that you take some time out for this trade show where you get to see the future of medical world. This will be one of the largest trade shows that have happened so far and will have more than 200 exhibitors sharing their information and knowledge along with the new technologies that they have already invented. If you are a medical student this will be a good opportunity for you to enjoy something that the world has not seen yet.

The event will also be attended by Steve Wozniack, Apple’s Co-founder that will provide updates about the events. If you are interested in attending the event you can always look out for sites from where you can register for the event. You can also make use of the ATA15DISC code that will provide you with 15% discount when you register for the event. The trade show will focus on various different health topics and will have various educational programs related to telemedicine and telehealth. You can register online to get your Free Expo Pass Only ticket.


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