10 Skin Care Tips ForGlowing Skin In Summer
Skin, the part of the body that is greatly exposed to the external environment needs extensive care. It cannot bear extremes of temperature. Increased exposure to strong UV rays in summer season can result in tanning of the skin.
Most of us love to dress in shorts and sleeveless during summer season but the fear of tanning prevents us from doing so. You can perfectly dress in favorite summer clothing by following simple tips.
Here are skin care tips to enjoy a glowing and radiant skin even in summer.
- Get rid of the dead skin cellsAccumulation of dead skin cells results in dry and dull looking skin. These dead cells cannot be eliminated even after applying skin care lotions.
Exfoliate the skin twice or thrice a week using a scrub. Gently rub the exfoliator on the skin in circular motion and rinse with plenty of water. Use facial exfoliator for skin and neck region.
Keep yourself hydrated
To enjoy a glowing skin it is essential to drink plenty of water. This not only keeps you hydrated but also gets rid of waste materials. It also helps to have a soft and well moisturized skin even without applying lotions. This is an inexpensive way to keep your skin glowing and hydrated in summer.
Protect the skin from sun
Scorching heat in summer damages the skin very easily. Hence, make it a habit to apply sun screen lotion at least 30 minutes before you go out. If you stay in sun for long hours apply the lotion whenever required. Make sure to select the sun screen lotion that is compatible to your skin type. If you have a sensitive skin cover the exposed parts with a cloth or if possible avoid going out in the afternoons when the sunrays are very strong.
- Follow a thorough skin cleaning regimeSweating will be very high in summer and is the time for skin infections to develop. Hence, make it a habit to take bath twice a day. If you have the habit of practicing physical workouts take bath immediately after the workouts.
- Take care of lipsMajority of us forget to take care of lips in summer season. But they are no exception to damage. Protect the delicate skin of your lips by applying lip balm with SPF of at least 15.
- Avoid alcohol and caffeineCaffeinated drinks and alcohol containing beverages cause dehydration and increase the risk for skin damage in summer. Consider having lemon water, fresh fruit juices and plain water.
- Use skin tonersealing of skin pores helps to reduce loss of water due to perspiration. This can be done by using a toner. The toner closes the skin pores and keeps you hydrated. To avoid side effects choose a brand that best suits your skin.
- Try natural face packIf you cannot afford to invest on toner or other summer skin care products, consider applying papaya to enjoy glowing blemish free skin at very less or zero cost. Mash two pieces of papaya and mix it with honey. Apply the mixture to face after mixing thoroughly and leave it for fifteen minutes. Later wash the face with lukewarm water to enjoy glowing skin. Paste of mashed cucumber and very little amount of yoghurt also gives glowing and soft skin.
- Take care of feetIt would be suffocating to pack the foot in shoes during summer. But, exposure of dry feet to dust and heat increases the risk of having painful cracks. Hence, consider having a pedicure at the beauty salon. If you cannot afford try home pedicure by using a scrub. Rub the feet with scrub gently at least twice a week to get rid of the dead skin cells and to enjoy soft foot that look gorgeous in sandals. Regular pedicure also prevents those painful cracks that develop due to dryness of feet.
- Rejuvenate the skin at night timeOne of the most essential skin care tips for summer is use of night creams. Most of the people use night creams only during winter months or only during times when the skin is extremely dry. But, it is highly recommended to use night creams even during summer months. Application of those creams helps to regenerate the damaged skin cells and also boosts the immune system of the skin preventing skin infections. Massage the skin gently after applying the lotion for better results.
Lastly, before trying any of the summer skin care products consider applying them over a small area. Avoid using the product if it results in reddening of the skin, itching or irritation. Those with sensitive should consider following inexpensive and natural skin care tips for summer such as drinking plenty of water and applying natural products such as papaya to the skin.
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