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What Safety Measures Are Necessary for a Healthy Gardening Activity?


Gardening is an excellent hobby which not only keeps you fit but also enables you to grow nutritious vegetables and fruits at the same time. However, just like other home improvement activities, you need to take proper safety measures to play around the sun and insects.

Given below are a few tips to stay healthy and safe while enjoying the beauty and bounty of gardening.

Wear a Protective Outfit 

  • Wear proper outfit and safety equipment to avoid contact with harmful insecticides, insects and sun
  • Use sunscreen and insect repellants with sun protection (SPF) 15 or higher for protection against UVA and UVB rays
  • After finishing work, do not forget to check body and clothes for ticks
  • Cover your head with a wide rim hat to protect face, head, neck and ears from direct contact with sun over prolonged hours
  • Also take small breaks to relax and avoid fatigue

Work around Heat Limits

Working for long hours in high temperatures can cause serious health issues, that is why it is highly recommended to track your time and daily activities in the sun shine to reduce the risk of heat stroke and other Related illness. Use common sense while organizing the outdoor activities.

Take Fluids to Stay Hydrated

Take regular fluids and keep water handy to avoid dehydration. Prevent beverages such as high sugary drinks, alcohol, carbonated and caffeinated drinks.

Safety Measures

  • Take all the possible precautions to prevent injury and other possible hazards
  • Read the labels and instructions before using insecticides and other chemicals
  • Check all the equipment’s in detail and focus your sole attention on using the equipment to avoid any trouble
  • Use water containers with thick handles for a comfortable grip. You can also add a comfy padding where necessary, since carrying these objects can cause wrist or hand injury.
  • Avoid excessive reaching and twisting of shoulders and elbows in gardening. When working in a sitting position, make sure you don’t have to raise hands over shoulders.

Physical Activity Benefits

Active people stay away from health issues such as weight gain, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, stroke, depression, heart disease, premature death and colon cancer. It is recommended for adults to get at least 2 and half hours of physical activity each week to stay fit and healthy, and gardening presents an excellent outdoor activity.

Gardening Tips for Disabled People

Avoid inactivity by engaging in a regular physical activity. Disabled adults must consult with their health care providers before engaging in different types of gardening activities. Most doctors recommend gardening as a healthy venture for disabled, since it helps in improving pain, mood and quality of life for arthritis patients.

Get Your Vaccination

You can get injured while working around your garden. It is suggested to get a tetanus vaccination, as tetanus resides in soil and vaccination against it will help in preventing many diseases. Get a tetanus vaccination every 10 years.

Going Green

Recycle and reuse water containers to water your garden for a green landscape.

Keeping Yard Clear

  • Do not leave items such as buckets, old tires and toys, which can act as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies.
  • Also, keep the yard clear from bushes and trees to reduce the possibility of rodents, ticks and even deer living in it.

Whether you are gardening for years or have just started it, understanding the dangers linked with this activity will help you in taking all the preventive measures to enjoy and carry it out to the fullest.


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